I believe that, to a great degree, our life’s story determined by the accumulation of the daily choices we make. Although every one of us will regularly face situations and circumstances that we neither created nor have any control over, what we do, how we react, and the choices we make as we face these events.
When driving, we often see yellow diamond shaped signs posted along the roadway. These signs give us indicators of things that lie ahead. They may warn of hazardous curves, narrowing lanes, slippery conditions, or dangerous intersections. Most often, there is no danger found at the point where the sign is posted. But, the signs are meant to alert us to prepare for the conditions that lie ahead.
As we drive, choices are always made. First, you must choose whether to pay attention or not to even noticing the sign’s existence! If the driver is not on guard, focusing on other things, or distracted in any way, they may totally miss seeing the sign altogether. Secondly, if the sign is first seen, then the driver must decide whether to heed the warning given. Many see a sign warning of a bad curve ahead, but choose to not slow down, and then fail to properly negotiate the turn. And thirdly, if the driver sees the sign and heeds the warning, it is then necessary to pay special attention throughout the upcoming danger area so they can continually adjust course to successfully navigate the roadway.
Life is much like driving. There are signs we see each and every day, and if we are to successfully live for Christ day after day, then we must first recognize the signs around us, pay attention to the messages they convey to us, and then stay alert throughout the events of the day. Life is all about the accumulation of the choices we make every day.
The apostle Paul recognized this same principle. In Philippians 1:21, he says, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” In the very next verse, he says, “…what shall I choose?” We then read the thought process Paul followed in making his choices. And in verses 27-28, Paul gives advice to the Philippians – and to us – on the choices we need to make.
How are the “road conditions” in your life right now? Whether you are driving on a highway, or a winding country road, you need to pay special attention to the signs of life around you. This Sunday we will look at Philippians 1:21-28, and learn to carefully consider “The Choices We Make.” Don’t miss this life-changing message!